Counselling Services Cork
Pat Connolly
What is Counselling
How Couselling helps
Sessions in Bandon west cork
Counselling services West Cork
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Counselling Sessions


Entering Counselling will be a new experience, and you may find it helpful to consider these points:

  • People seeking counselling can be referred by their GP or other concerned professional, or may make contact directly themselves.
  • An initial appointment will be offered, usually within a week, if there is a vacancy in the Practice. This is an introductory meeting, lasting about one hour, providing opportunity to meet the therapist and begin to share and explore current difficulties and concerns. It also offers the opportunity jointly to assess, whether counselling may be indicated at this time; or whether some other form of help would be appropriate.
  • Where appropriate, counselling will be offered to you. This is an important step in anyone's life. But if we feel, after careful discussion together, that this would not be appropriate at the moment, other forms of help can be considered and discussed together, and a next step identified.
  • Clients will usually arrange to attend for one session per week, this will, if possible, be arranged for the same time each week. This regularity may hopefully enhance the experience of emotional containment and 'holding'. I am also able to offer appointments on a flexible basis, rather than a regular time each week, to accommodate your particular needs. I can sometimes offer appointments in the evening. The sessions last for fifty minutes approx.

What Next?

You may make an appointment by telephoning Pat on 023 54567 or 087-2397284.


Your first appointment will last one hour and cost €70
Subsequent consultations will last 50 mins. approx
Cost per session is negotiable.

Pat recognises that often the people who would most benefit from counselling find it difficult to pay the full rate therefore Pat operates sliding scale in relation to cost per session depending on each client’s means.