Counselling is a process whereby
a person and a counsellor meet together in a quiet, private
environment to discuss difficulties that the person feels are
creating a problem in his/her life and/or relationships. The
discussion between the person and the counsellor is confidential.
Entering a counselling or psychotherapeutic relationship
primarily involves gaining a deeper understanding and acceptance
of oneself.
Because the counsellor is trained to be accepting and totally
non-judgmental, the person can feel free to fully express hidden
feelings, ideas, and emotions in a counselling situation that
he/she may never be able to express to friends or family. Allowing
such feelings and emotions to come to the surface can sometimes
be upsetting for people. The counsellor tries to create a climate
that enables and supports the person in expressing their feelings
in safety, and to come to accept that they are part of himself/herself.
The counsellor also tries to help the person to explore whatever
lies behind these feelings and emotions. In this way people
can often get to the root of their problems and begin to discover
possible options for themselves.
Counselling does not involve giving advice or prescribing
solutions to problems but instead looking at the possible
options and
choices that the individual has identified for themselves.
This process
can enable a person to gain new perspective on their problems,
discover inner resources, and build the strength to make
meaningful choices and live a more satisfying life.
Counselling can help you if you:
- feel depressed, sad, downhearted, hopeless (and don't understand
- have no purpose or direction in your life
- are going through a personal or professional transition
- are feeling stressed due to work, school, family or financial
- have lost someone close to you and feel that you cannot
- are experiencing communication problems with another family
- are in the process of ending a relationship or separating
- are spending more time than you want drinking or gambling
- or someone close to you is affected by substance abuse
These are just some of the issues that people have when coming
for counselling , but you may also have other issues of your